Patient Testimonials

Vibrant Living Patients

Read real testimonials from Vibrant Living Chiropractic patients and learn how Dr. Mike has guided his patients towards better health!

Frozen Shoulder, Rotator Cuff Tear & Arthritis

I made an appointment with Vibrant Living Chiropractic after 3 months of failed physical therapy and several appointments with an orthopedic surgeon, it was decided that surgery was my only option. My first chiropractic appointment was actually the same day as my scheduled shoulder surgery date, I’m SO glad I took a chance and tried this course of treatment…..ultimately it was decided to cancel the surgery! -Cathie B.

Asthma Relief

I have suffered with asthma since I was a child. It created difficulty playing high school and college sports. In fact, it kept me out of the military. I had used various medications over the years and was using an inhaler up to 3 or 4 times a day. After 3 months of regular adjustments and using the lifestyle improvements Dr. Mike suggested, I was using my inhaler 1 time a week. -Ray T.

Acid Reflux

I had been suffering with reflux for several years. I went from Tums to Tagamet to Prilosec just trying to ease that burning sensation in my chest area. I was really starting to have problems with swallowing.

Just meeting Dr. Mike I felt that I was in the right place. He explained to me what was going on with my body and helped me by eliminating the stressors and interferences that were affecting it. After the first month I noticed a lot of changes not only to my reflux symptoms, but my overall health. I learned so much more about how my body works and what it truly requires to express health, from my diet, exercise, posture and even my stress levels. I have now lost over 25 pounds and have started playing squash again and also cycling. My wife told me it was nice to see the “old me” again! Jeff V.


I have suffered with fibromyalgia and related symptoms for over 15 years, including chronic fatigue and pain that limited me from being active with my family and attending social functions. I was in pain 24/7 and could not even get out of bed, I was in so much pain. I decided to take a friends advice and call Dr. Mike’s office for treatment.

One year later, I was able to go to Las Vegas with my eldest son, a trip that I was not able to make the previous year. Chiropractic care works, it really does! It has had a better affect on my health than the many medication’s my doctors put me on, which I no longer have take. – Karen S.


I suffered from headaches 4-5 times a month during high school and college. After having my first child the headaches were almost daily and at times it made it difficult to care for my daughter during the day due to the pain. My headaches worsened. I was taking 8 Ibuprofen daily just to get through the day and at times I would have to leave work early.

My sister recommended seeing Dr. Mike. During my initial evaluation he asked me a lot of questions about my past injuries from sports. He took scans that showed a lot of irritation to the nerves in my neck and noted he felt confident that he could help me restore my health.

After 6 months I may get one mild headache a month. I don’t miss work, I don’t miss my daughter’s activities and I no longer take Ibuprofen. – Karen B.


Through the skills of Vibrant Living Chiropractic, my physical abilities increased, my state of mind has been improved, as well as my overall quality of life!

Sciatic pain was keeping me awake at night and hindering my ability to stay seated for long periods of time. Dr. Mike was able to approach my problem from a total body perspective. Not only has my sciatic pain been decreased, through the guidance of Dr. Mike I have been able to strengthen my core muscles, gluts, hamstrings, and my flexibility has been substantially increased. I thought I was in good condition for a 67 year old, but Dr. Mike gently made me aware of how much more I could do.

I now feel better about myself physically and can get a good night’s sleep. I can think clearer and have an increased overall sense of well-being. Vibrant Living Chiropractic is the best!

“Dr. Mike is the best! He listens. He cares.”